Check Unsubscribe Webhook#
Talkable Check Unsubscribe Webhook is used to ensure emails are not sent from Talkable to user email addresses who have unsubscribed from the client side. This is an optional functionality. Note: users do have the ability to unsubscribe from Talkable referral related emails at any time from those emails directly.
When does Talkable call the Check Unsubscribe Webhook?
Talkable Check Unsubscribe Webhook is triggered on every attempt to send an otherwise valid customer email, aimed at checking if the email is also valid on merchant side.
The ‘unsubscribed’ field should have a boolean value, representing unsubscribed status according to the merchant info.
Payload parameters provided
The sample payload with parameters for Check Unsubscribe Webhook is available here: Check Unsubscribe Webhook Payload.
View categories
View category can be one of the following: