Friend Claim Page#
Email Gating#
Email gating is used when you need RD to provide an email to get a reward. It is used on the Friend Claim Page and looks like a popup with email field, submit button, and “signup for latest news” checkbox.
First of all, turn on email gating in Restricted settings:

Basic Setup
{% if gated_email != blank %}
<div class="js-coupon-code">{{ coupon_code }}</div>
<a class="js-proceed-link" href="{{ proceed_to_merchant_path }}">Shop using this code</a>
{% else %}
<div class="js-hide">
<form action="#" class="js-gating-unlock">
<input type="email" class="js-gating-email" placeholder=""/>
<button>Claim your coupon code</button>
<!-- What to show after submitting email. Hidden by default! -->
<div class="js-show" style="display: none;">
<div class="js-coupon-code">...</div>
<a class="js-proceed-link" href="{{ proceed_to_merchant_path }}">Shop using this code</a>
{% endif %}
$(document).ready(function() {
var $proceedLink = $('.js-proceed-link'),
$gatingEmail = $('.js-gating-email'),
$contentGating = $('.js-hide'),
$gatingUnlock = $('.js-gating-unlock'),
$contentHidden = $('.js-show'),
$couponCode = $('.js-coupon-code');
Talkable.subscribe('email_gating_passed', function(data) {
$couponCode.text(data.coupon_code); // Insert coupon code
function unlockGating(e) {
var email, emailValid, proxyParams, query;
proxyParams = {};
email = $.trim($gatingEmail.val());
emailValid = /^[^@]+@([^@\.]+\.)+[^@\.]+$/.test(email);
if (email.length && emailValid) {
query = $.param({proxy_params: $.extend(proxyParams, {email: email})});
} else {
alert("Something isn’t right. Please try again");
$gatingUnlock.submit(function(e) {
Advanced Setup
Click to copy functionality for coupon code
Sign up for news checkbox
Email validation messages
{% if gated_email != blank %}
<div class="js-coupon-code">{{ coupon_code }}</div>
<a class="js-proceed-link" href="{{ proceed_to_merchant_path }}">Shop using this code</a>
{% else %}
<div class="js-hide">
<form action="#" class="js-gating-unlock">
<input type="email" class="js-gating-email" placeholder=""/>
<label for="email-subscription">
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="email-subscription" class="js-gating-checkbox" />
Sign me up for the latest news
<button>Claim your coupon code</button>
<!-- What to show after submitting email. Hidden by default! -->
<div class="js-show" style="display: none;">
<div class="js-coupon-code">...</div>
<a class="js-proceed-link" href="{{ proceed_to_merchant_path }}">Shop using this code</a>
<!-- Show errors in case something's wrong with the email. Hidden by default! -->
<div class="js-validation" style="display: none;"></div>
{% endif %}
$(document).ready(function() {
var $proceedLink = $('.js-proceed-link'),
$gatingEmail = $('.js-gating-email'),
$contentGating = $('.js-hide'),
$gatingUnlock = $('.js-gating-unlock'),
$gatingCheckbox = $('.js-gating-checkbox'),
$contentHidden = $('.js-show'),
$notice = $('.js-validation'),
$couponCode = $('.js-coupon-code');
function displayNotice(data) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
Talkable.subscribe('email_gating_passed', function(data) {
setTimeout(function() {
$couponCode.text(data.coupon_code); // Insert coupon code
}, 300);
function unlockGating(e) {
var email, subChoice, emailValid, proxyParams, query;
proxyParams = {};
email = $.trim($gatingEmail.val());
proxyParams.sub_choice = $':checked') ? 'yes' : 'no';
emailValid = /^[^@]+@([^@\.]+\.)+[^@\.]+$/.test(email);
if (email.length && emailValid) {
query = $.param({proxy_params: $.extend(proxyParams, {email: email})});
} else {
displayNotice("Something isn't right. Please try again");
$gatingUnlock.submit(function(e) {