Magento 1.x Integration

Magento 1.x Integration#


Magento 1 is not supported from July 1st, 2020.


You must have Talkable account in order to get started

A Magento Talkable extension is available for easy integration. The extension currently supports Magento versions 1.5+

  1. Since Magento 1 reached EOL and Magento 1 extensions were removed from the Magento Marketplace, you’re only able to download them manually via SSH / FTP.

  2. After the extension has been installed, you must enable the extension and set your Talkable Site ID. Click the Return to Admin link and navigate to SystemConfiguration:


    Note: If you have more than one store, set the Current Configuration Scope on the top left to the store you want to enable Talkable on. Note this must be a Magento “Website”, not a “Store view”.

  3. In the left sidebar navigation click on TalkableExtension Options tab:

  4. Then, enter your Talkable Site ID. You can copy it from the integration page inside Talkable, or on your Talkable Site Dashboard:


    Note: If you see an error opening Talkable extension settings, please re-login to Admin Panel and try again.

    Click Save Config to save your changes.

  5. Go back to Talkable Integration page and click “Verify Integration” button:



In case you cannot find Talkable extension in the sidebar try clearing cache:

  • In Admin Panel, go to SystemCache Management.

  • Click Flush Magento Cache.

  • Then click Select All, select action “Refresh” and click Submit.