<!-- Begin Talkable integration code -->
window._talkableq = window._talkableq || [];
var _talkable_purchase_items = [];
// Start for loop
product_id: '', // Required — Item Product ID. Example: 'sku0001'
price: '', // Required — Item Unit Price. Example: '199.00'
quantity: '', // Required — Item Quantity. Example: '1'
title: '', // Optional — Name of product. Example: 'Product Name'
url: '', // Optional — URL for product. Example: 'http://www.store.com/product1'
image_url: '' // Optional — URL for product image. Example: 'http://www.store.com/product1/image.jpg'
// End for loop
var _talkable_data = {
purchase: {
order_number: '', // Required - Unique order number. Example: '100011'
subtotal: '', // Required - Order subtotal (pre-tax, post-discount). Example: '23.97'
coupon_code: '', // Coupon code that was used at checkout (pass multiple as an array). Example: 'SAVE20'
currency_iso_code: '', // Required for multi-currency sites. Example: 'USD'
shipping_zip: '', // Used for fraud protection by address. Example: '02222'
shipping_address: '', // Full address of the order, make sure to strictly follow a format: 'Apt #, Street address, City, State, ZIP, Country'
items: _talkable_purchase_items // Cart items declared in the example above
segment1: '', // Segment 1: Represents custom segment (e.g., location, age group, source channel, platform, gender, interests).
segment2: '', // Segment 2: Represents custom segment (e.g., location, age group, source channel, platform, gender, interests).
segment3: '', // Segment 3: Represents custom segment (e.g., location, age group, source channel, platform, gender, interests).
customer: {
email: '', // Required - Email of the customer who issued a purchase. Example: 'customer@example.com'
traffic_source: '', // The source of the traffic driven to the campaign. Example: 'facebook'
phone_optin: false, // Indicates whether the customer has provided consent for phone opt-in. The value should be boolean. If set to true, a valid phone number must be provided.
email_optin: false // Indicates whether the customer has provided consent for email opt-in. The value should be boolean.
window._talkableq.push(['register_purchase', _talkable_data]); // Pass data to Talkable and show Post Purchase campaign as a result
<!-- End Talkable integration code -->