Advanced Usage#

Error Handling#

Errors from Talkable.showOffer and Talkable.loadOffer are handled inside onError callback, which provides an instance of TalkableOfferLoadException class. You can get error type and error message with error.getErrorCode() and error.getMessage() respectively.

Here is a list of possible error codes from TalkableOfferLoadException with descriptions:

  • NETWORK_ERROR: General network error

  • API_ERROR: Talkable API unavailable

  • REQUEST_ERROR: Bad request

  • CAMPAIGN_ERROR: Campaign not found

Using multiple site slugs#

To use multiple site slugs (also known as IDs) in your application, follow these steps:

  1. Add credentials for each site you are going to use inside your manifest file. Format is the same as from corresponding Getting Started section.

  2. Add deep linking schemas handlers into the main activity entry for each site you are going to use. The format is the same as the corresponding Getting Started section.

  3. Set default site slug.

    This can be done by adding this information into the manifest file using <application> entry:

            android:value="{{YOUR_DEFAULT_SITE_SLUG}}" />

    or by passing it through Talkable.initialize in the Application:

    import com.talkable.sdk.Talkable;
    public class App extends Application {
        public void onCreate() {
            Talkable.initialize(this, "your-default-site-slug");


    You can set the site slug at any time after initialization in the following way:


    Make sure to add the credentials for this site inside the manifest file. Otherwise, an exception will be raised.

Sharing via Facebook#

By default sharing via Facebook is disabled. You can enable it by setting up your project with the Facebook SDK: Android - Getting Started

Overriding default behaviour#

  1. Create a new fragment in your app which extends TalkableOfferFragment and override methods there. Example:

    import com.talkable.sdk.TalkableOfferFragment;
    public class OverriddenTalkableOfferFragment extends TalkableOfferFragment {
        public void copyToClipboard(String string) {
            Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Text copied!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
  2. Pass Class of an activity you want to run a fragment in and the overriden fragment to Talkable.showOffer call:

    Talkable.showOffer(activity, affiliateMember, OverridenTalkableOfferFragment.class, new TalkableErrorCallback<TalkableOfferLoadException>() {
        public void onError(TalkableOfferLoadException error) {
            // Error handling. Note that it runs on non UI thread

If you want to implement custom offer closing handling you should implement TalkableOfferFragmentListener interface from TalkableOfferFragment inside your Activity.

import com.talkable.sdk.TalkableOfferFragment.TalkableOfferFragmentListener;

public class MyActivity implements TalkableOfferFragmentListener {
    public void onOfferClosed() {

Using TalkableOfferFragment directly#

By default Talkable Android SDK displays Talkable offer as a fullscreen modal view. If you need to embed the Talkable offer into your layout or otherwise control the way it’s displayed, you can obtain an instance of TalkableOfferFragment, which is a Fragment that comes preloaded with Talkable offer content and can be added to your layout dynamically.

To use TalkableOfferFragment directly, follow these steps:

  1. Get an offer code using the Talkable.loadOffer(origin, callback) method

  2. Create a fragment instance by passing the offer code to the TalkableOfferFragment.newInstance(shortCode) method

  3. Use Fragment Transactions or another method of your choice to display the fragment.

AffiliateMember affiliateMember = new AffiliateMember();

Talkable.loadOffer(affiliateMember, new TalkableCallback<String, TalkableOfferLoadException>() {
    // Note that it runs on non UI thread
    public void onSuccess(String offerCode) {
        TalkableOfferFragment fragment = TalkableOfferFragment.newInstance(offerCode);

    public void onError(TalkableOfferLoadException error) {
        // Error handling


Make sure to handle configuration changes, as TalkableOfferFragment is built on top of WebView and restoring its state is up to you. If you need to reinitialize a fragment, you don’t need to call loadOffer again. Simply store the offerCode and use it to create a new TalkableOfferFragment instance.

Native integration via API#

Talkable provides an API that can be utilized to implement a fully native referral program interface if the default solution (based on WebView) doesn’t work for you. Below are the methods necessary to integrate the Talkable referral loop into your Android application.

  1. The first step is to get an Offer by creating an Origin: Create origin

  2. Then, share the obtained Offer: Create offer share

  3. Check for rewards: Retrieve rewards