Subscribing To Iframe Events

Subscribing To Iframe Events#

Talkable integration embeds a referral campaign as an iframe with src attribute starting with domain (or custom domain if the white-labeling is setup).

In order to subscribe to an iframe Event you need to know name HTML attribute of the Talkable iframe and the Event name. Iframe ‘name’ attribute may change depending on the campaign view opened. Thus, to use the right iframe name, open the campaign view you want to capture events from and copy the iframe name from the HTML of the page.

Below is an example of subscription to offer_loaded Talkable iframe Event.

Given we have integrated Campaign for Standalone Placement, its HTML iframe reference looks like that:

<div id="talkable-offer">
  <iframe name="talkable-offer-iframe" src=""></iframe>

Knowing the container name attribute of the iframe is talkable-offer-iframe the subscription JS will be:

talkable.subscribe("offer_loaded", "talkable-offer-iframe", function(data, iframe) {
  alert("Talkable campaign iframe is loaded!");

Notice two arguments passed in the callback:

  • data object — the data passed by the iframe upon firing the event

  • iframe object — iframe’s HTML DOM reference

Iframe Events List#

Talkable campaigns are equipped with the following set of events:

  1. offer_loaded — Talkable iframe DOM ready event which is in fact the very first event that you can use to determine if the iframe is loaded.

  2. responsive_iframe_height — fires every time iframe size gets changed. You can use it to detect changes in iframe size.
    You can read more here. Previously named as curebit_offer_iframe_broadcast.

  3. offer_close — fires when the close button is clicked. You can use this event to determine when user closes Talkable campaign, it then disappears from the screen.

  4. offer_triggered — Talkable Trigger Widget iframe fires this event when user clicks on it. You can use this event to detect when the main offer iframe is about to show up.

  5. coupon_issued — fires upon issuing coupon code as a reward for sharing. You can use it to determine when the user shares and receives their reward. tells which sharing channel was used and data.coupon_code stores the coupon code value.

  6. share_succeeded — fires each time Advocate shares. tells which sharing channel was used for the share.

  7. email_gating_passed — fires when Friend passes email gating on Friend Claim Page.

  8. email_gating_failed — fires when Friend fails to pass email gating on Friend Claim Page.