
When driving traffic to one of your campaigns, you can include a segment parameters to help segment your reporting.

Segment With Product SKU

Sometimes there is a need to show a Campaign on Post Purchase Placement only to those customers who purchased a particular product or a set of products. In this case you can put such a limitation inside Campaign Join Criteria. To do that visit Campaign Details page → Go into Rules → Advanced → Campaign Join Criteria field and put the following criteria in there:

{% assign available_items = "sku1,sku2" | split: "," %}
{% assign user_items = advocate_origin.products | map: "product_id" %}
{% assign result = false %}

{% for available_item in available_items %}
  {% for user_item in user_items %}
    {% if user_item == available_item %}
      {% assign result = true %}
      {% break %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{{ result }}

Now only those customers who purchased a product with SKU of “SKU_GOES_HERE” will see a Campaign. The Campaign won’t show for any other product purchased.


In order to use this Campaign Join Criteria you need to make sure that the SKU numbers are passed throught the integration first of all. To do that you need to go into Reports (top header navigation) → Purchases → Click on “Details” link of any purchase and make sure there is “Product Id” column with a valid “Product ID” value in place. If there is no such column or it is blank you cannot use this feature unless you pass the following instructions Including Product Items.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Segment With Traffic Source

When driving traffic to one of your campaigns, you can include a traffic source parameter as a URL query string to help segment your reporting. This is helpful when you are driving traffic from many different sources to the same campaign. This makes sense to do for both on-site and off-site call to actions where you want to specifically track your traffic source. For example, if you are driving traffic on-site to your Standalone campaign both from your home page navigation bar and from your footer template, and you wanted to see which one is more high value and driving more traffic to your campaign, you could look at the different traffic sources in reporting to clearly see this.

How to use the traffic_source parameter in a call to action:

Say you have a Standalone integration displaying a campaign on You could append the traffic_source parameter on to your footer call to action as seen below:

Custom Segments

For individual purchase segmentation, you have the option to utilize three custom segments: segment1, segment2, segment3. Each of these segments can represent various criteria such as location, age group, traffic source, etc. These segments offer flexibility in categorizing purchases based on different customer characteristics or transaction attributes.

Example of usage:

<!-- Begin Talkable integration code -->
  window._talkableq = window._talkableq || [];
  var _talkable_data = {
    purchase: {
      order_number: '100011', // Unique order number
      subtotal: '23.97', // Order subtotal
      coupon_code: 'SAVE20', // Coupon code used at checkout
      currency_iso_code: 'USD', // Currency code
      shipping_zip: '02222', // Shipping ZIP code
      shipping_address: 'Apt 123, 456 Street, Cityville, CA, 02222, USA', // Shipping address
      segment1: 'CA', // Custom segment 1
      segment2: 'female', // Custom segment 2
      segment3: 'social-media' // Custom segment 3
    customer: {
      email: ''
      traffic_source: 'facebook'
  window._talkableq.push(['register_purchase', _talkable_data]);
<!-- End Talkable integration code -->