Use case #4:
Did my Friend get an email?

Use case #4:
Did my Friend get an email?#

To investigate if the Advocate’s Friend has got an email, we’ll need to have their Friend’s email. All Advocate shares are located inside “Shares” tab:

../../../_images/shares_1.png ../../../_images/shares_2.png

In this case we can see that the Friend received the email, opened it, and clicked through.


If the Friend did not open the email you will see 0 in the ‘Friends’ tab.

There also can be a case when an Advocate share has several Friends and clicks:


‘Friends’ column displays the number of Friend offers created per each share. ‘Clicks’ column displays the number of Friend clicks per each share. The numbers may be different in case:

  1. Multiple Friend offers may be created if one Friend forwarded their email to another person.

  2. One individual Friend may click multiple times on the same share link.

Note: for email shares Friend offers are created upon each share while for other sharing channels only whenever Friends click on the share link.

Clicking on details opens “Friend Offers” page where we can see all Friend offers generated in a scope of the particular Advocate share.

The same logic works for other sharing channels such as ‘Direct link’, ‘Facebook’, ‘SMS’ etc.

Friend was blocked for self-referral#

Again, the above only references valid cases where the Friend should have in fact received a reward. The alternative cases are listed below where Talkable identified that a Friend may be trying to game the system and therefore did NOT allow them to use the Friend coupon code.

The most common case is that a Friend was blocked/flagged for self-referral. As with the case of the Advocate, we find that the most vocal customers are typically trying to game the system.

To validate this use case simply lookup for the Friend’s email address and browse through referrals to see flagged/blocked ones. We see that the blocked reason in this case is “Matching email”, in some cases it may be “Similar email match”:
