Friend Share Email Reminder

Email is triggered only if Friend Share Email Reminder checkbox was checked on the Advocate Signup/Share Page when sharing.
By default reminder email sends out in 72 hours after sharing if Friend didn’t use their Offer (i.e. didn’t make a store purchase using coupon code).

Main CTA should point to a Friend Claim Page — {{ short_url }}.
To change email trigger delay open Editor / Extra fields for the particular email.

Friend Share Email Reminder


Ideal email width is 480px. This is a most universal width for both mobile and desktop platforms. Read more about email design.

Email sending conditions

By default the email is sent in 72 hours after the offer is shared.

  1. Main email sending criteria (unable to change):

  • If Friend offer is active

  • Recipient (Friend) was not referred by this offer yet

  • Current offer is the last one shared with the recipient (if were delayed few reminders Talkable sends the last one)