Advocate Signup/Share Page#

Instant Reward#

Instant reward campaign is used when we need to reward RR immediately after he shares. If RR redemption email is turned on it will be sent right after successful share. The most popular share channel is Facebook.

To make instant reward work you need to use FB App share instead of a default sharer.php. Also make sure RR social sharing incentive is set.

After that we need to setup Advocate Signup/Share Page with the following markup:


<!-- Prompt user to share -->
<a href="#" class="js-share-offer-via-facebook">Share on Facebook</a>
<!-- Insert coupon code after successful share -->
<div class="js-coupon-code"></div>


Talkable.subscribe('facebook_share_succeeded', function(data) {
  if (data.coupon_code) {
    $('.js-coupon-code').text(data.coupon_code); // Insert coupon code as a text
  } else {
    $('.js-coupon-code').text('No coupon code provided'); // Show error that coupon code wasn't provided.

If you need to hide/show some information when shared and copy code on click here is more advanced setup:


<!-- Prompt user to share -->
<div class="js-not-shared">
  <a href="#" class="js-share-offer-via-facebook">Share on Facebook</a>

<!-- Show coupon code after successful share. Hidden by default. -->
<div class="js-shared" style="display: none;">
  <div class="js-coupon-code">...</div>


Talkable.subscribe('facebook_share_succeeded', function(data) {
  if (data.coupon_code) {
    $('.js-coupon-code').text(data.coupon_code); // Insert coupon code as a text
    $('.js-coupon-code').attr('data-clipboard-text', data.coupon_code); // Copy coupon code on click
    $('.js-not-shared').hide(); // Hide everything with class `.js-not-shared`
    $('.js-shared').show(); // Show everything with class `.js-shared`
    bindClipToCopy('.js-coupon-code'); // Initiate click to copy functionality
  } else {
    $('.js-coupon-code').text('No coupon code provided'); // Show error that coupon code wasn't provided.

CloudSponge Integration#


<a class="cs_import" href="#">Import contacts</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var csPageOptions = {
    "include": ["email"],
    "locale": "english",
    "domain_key": "PHAUB8N7PNYWP555F7YB",
    "textarea_id": "email_recipients_list"
  1. domain_key — CloudSponge account (Talkable by default)

  2. textarea_id — ID attribute to populate data to

CloudSponge and Custom Domain

CloudSponge integration is bound to specific domain. In order to use it with custom domain you’ll need to obtain separate domain_key.

  1. Go to CloudSponge

  2. Add new domain, use your custom domain as domain name

  3. Copy & Paste new domain_key to your template

Multiple Email Fields#

<form action="#" class="js-share-via-email-form share-via-email">
  <input type="email" name="email_recipient_list[]" />
  <input type="email" name="email_recipient_list[]" />
  <input type="email" name="email_recipient_list[]" />


Separate Wording

Enable separate LinkedIn share wording (Open Graph title and message).

{% if user_agent contains "LinkedInBot" %}
  Special offer title for LinkedIn friends
{% else %}
  Special offer title for Facebook friends
{% endif %}

Basic Setup


<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/Share" data-url="{{ 'linkedin' | claim_url }}" data-onsuccess="fireOnLinkedInShare"></script>


function fireOnLinkedInShare() {

Advanced Setup


<span class="js-linkedin-button-holder" style="display: none;">
  <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type="IN/Share" data-url="{{ 'linkedin' | claim_url }}" data-onsuccess="fireOnLinkedInShare"></script>

Remember to wrap LI scripts into an js-linkedin-button-holder container which is hidden by default not to show LinkedIn custom button until it is loaded.


function fireOnLinkedInShare() {

function configureShareOnLinkedIn(params) {
  $('.IN-widget').attr('style', '').find('a').addClass(params.className);
  $('.IN-widget').find('span').each(function(i, element) {
    $(element).attr({style: '', id: ''});
    if ($(element).text() === 'in') {
    } else if ($(element).text() === 'Share') {

var initLinkedInShareButton = setInterval(function() {
  if ($('span').hasClass('IN-widget')) {
      className: 'btn btn-linkedin', // Button class
      text: 'LinkedIn' // Button text
}, 500);
  1. fireOnLinkedInShare — triggering this method is required to make Talkable visits tracking work.

  2. initLinkedInShareButton — checks for LI button to load and then show its container js-linkedin-button-holder and trigger configureShareOnLinkedIn.

  3. configureShareOnLinkedIn — strips all unnecessary styles and id attributes from all LI button children nodes and allows to change class attribute and button text by passing an object.